Light Up the Ferry Building!
Posted by Damyen Lofton
on Aug 17, 2010
October 24th will be the day that we "Light Up the Ferry Building!
October 24th will be the day that we "Light Up the Ferry Building!"
Click Here for the "Save the Date" flyer. I am really excited! This will be a HUGE Public Relations Event for the four Districts involved, and all of Rotary in the United States. I am certain that this event will be picked up by national networks - at least that is what they tell me.
More to follow, as the details are unveiled. Meanwhile, save October 24th for a FABULOUS DAY OF AND FOR ROTARY!!!!
I am also sending this tonight to Amy Fink for inclusion in the Newsletter, and Jay Kuhlman to be posted immediately on our District website.
There will be an eight-week Public Relations campaign that surrounds the event. I will give you more details as they evolve.