Meeting Minutes 10-19-2010
Bulletin of the Marin Evening Rotary Club
October 19, 2010
It was a dark and stormy night. Or at least dark. The stormy was about to come. Perhaps tonight. So, President Mark Shirley called our meeting to order in what used to be the Kids Room, as the main banquet room was set for someone else - though they never showed. No one admitted to being responsible for the PTR this evening, so we had to wing it a little. Father of the Pres., and President Elect himself, Al Shirley stepped up to the plate and led us in the flag salute, followed by his thought for the day that we should all remember to vote in two weeks. Remember, like Meg, one of us may run for Governor some day and wish that we had.
Tonight was our Club Assembly, so it was just as good that we had no visiting Rotarians or guests, save for one important guest - Lea Schwarz, who Mark announced had just been approved by the Board for membership. So, within a few weeks Lea will be formally inducted and welcomed into the Club, which is very good news. However, that good news was offset to some degree by the disappointing news that Don Angel and Bill McNicholas will both be leaving the Club. Both had been very good members for a variety of reasons, and we shall miss them both.
First up we had reports of a couple of Good Times, first by Barbara Gillette, who reported that she and Malcolm had just returned from a nice trip down Puerto Vallarta way. Cory reported that he'd missed last week's meeting, as he'd been busy fundraising for Autism Speaks. Meanwhile the better looking of the Manalanis, Traci, had the opportunity to hear the Dali Lama speak, which she said that she really enjoyed.
Most of the rest of the meeting consisted of a series of announcements, some emanating from the just completed Club Board Meeting, others just coming from the left field corner. We had several shortages this evening. In addition to the non-existent PTR person, we had no Treasurer. Gene Duffy ably filled in. Then another shortage was announced, being a meeting place for next Tuesday. After a brief discussion, it was decided to appoint a small committee to find an alternative meeting location for next week. And as this Bulletin is being written a location for next week has been decided. We shall meet at the restaurant of Inn Marin in Ignacio, also known as Rickey's. The Ignacio Rotary meets there every week, so the restaurant is well acquainted with the needs of Rotary (and two of their staff are Rotarians as well.) Inn Marin is located near the Shell Station just north of the Ignacio Exit off 101, which is only a couple of exits north of the Lucas Valley exit we're accustomed to taking for the Clubhouse.
The Christmas Party was reannounced as taking place at Al Shirley's house in Novato on Saturday, December 11. (This time I have the date right.) Elsia repeated the information on Thanksgiving for Seniors and noted that a detailed memo will go out to everyone next week on what is needed from our members. including chauffeuring requirements.
Al Shirley discussed the End Polio Now District Celebration which will take place this Sunday, October 24. The Rotary "Bridge Walk," which will actually be from Pier 39 to the Ferry Building in SF will begin around 11:30 am and will be led by RI President, Ray Klinginsmith. The walk itself is free, but contributions are encouraged - and, perhaps, tax deductible.
And then it was time for our raffle. Having no PTR, you might think we had nothing to raffle, but not the case. From out of nowhere appeared a 2# box of Sees candy, a venerable bottle of Silver Oak, a box of chocolate covered liquors and a ticket to the Roteract Halloween Fundraiser. The four winners were: Malcolm, Keith, Elsia (the big winner) and Mark. Several trades were made among the winners - except for Elsia, who smartly chose to keep hers.
The bell rang, and we were gone.
And as I'm completing this Bulletin on Thursday evening the weather has indeed turned dark and stormy. And our Giants have lost to the Phils by a dark and stormy score of 4-3. Oh, woe is us, woe is us.
Don't forget - Next week at Inn Marin in Ignacio ! See you all there.