Meeting Minutes 3-29-2011
Posted by Damyen Lofton
on Apr 04, 2011
Marin Evening Rotary Meeting Minutes
March 29, 2011
Eighteen (18) MER members in attendance
Call to Order:
Meeting called to order by Mark Shirley at 6:30pm. Lea Schwarz did the PTR honors this evening. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Lea spoke of her fondness and appreciation for Rotary and all her fellow Rotarians.
Visiting Rotarians
There were no visiting Rotarians tonight.
Good Times
John Tanko started things off announcing the good time he and his wife, Darby, had celebrating ten years of wedded bliss! The couple spent two days in Healdsburg, and dined at the Cyrus Restaurant, one of the top restaurants in the North Bay.
Last Tuesday, John also stated that he had a great time playing alto sax with the “People of Note” big band. It was suggested that the People of Note hold an open rehearsal at one of our meetings. Not a bad idea.
Marsha Solvason announced that she will be leaving on vacation to Thailand. This year, Marsha’s high school graduation class celebrates its fifty year reunion. While she won’t be at the reunion, she will be traveling with a favorite high school girlfriend to Thailand.
Holly Axtell tossed ten bucks in the kitty for the good time that she had at this past weekend’s District Assembly. Of particular note, she was happy to see Al Shirley wearing his Lobster Hat at the Assembly. Way to market our fundraiser, Al!
Al Shirley added that he, too, had a great time at the Assembly. He also announced that he is making plans to travel to India with Rotaplast.
Jean Long, who also attended the District Assembly, was happy she attended. She attended breakout sessions on Community Service and Effective Meetings.
Mark Shirley closed out the Good Times portion of the meeting sharing his thoughts on his trip to Buton and Thailand.
Gene Duffy announced that, this year, the wine rack prize is being handled differently than last year. He is looking for a $40 donation per member to pay for the purchase of the wines. No longer do we purchase the bottles of wine ourselves. The wine has already been purchased. The wine rack will be valued at $600-700. Make checks payable to Gene Duffy.
Larry Burnworth announced that ticket sales are on now! We are accepting cash, checks and now, credit cards for the purchase of your tickets. Forty-four tickets have been sold thus far.
Mark Shirley announced that all are welcome to join him at 5:30 next week, just before the Tuesday meeting to discuss our fundraiser. All are welcomed to attend and join in!
Al Shirley has announced a challenge: Al will cook dinner for two members if your basket sells for more than the one he is putting together.
Mark Shirley stated that there is a Project Amigo Fundraiser at Kathryn Munson’s home in San Rafael, on April 9th. The cost is $50 per person. It’s a Mexican Fiesta and Tequila Tasting party!
Lea brought two bags of cookies/chocolates and two bottles of wine for our raffle. The raffle was won by Curt, Marsha, Kim, and Jean.
Program Speaker
Dave Bonfilio presented a talk on Cancer. Dave has been with the Cancer Society since 1985. He spoke of the numbers of cancer fatalities over the years and how these numbers have been reduced due to better treatment and education of the populace. Three out of six people survive cancer these days.
California has the lowest incidence of cancer, and Marin has the lost incidence in California.
Ways to reduce your risk of cancer:
1) Don’t use tobacco
2) Exercise
3) Diet
4) Watch alcohol usage
5) Practice safe sex
Meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm