Meeting Minutes 4-20-2010
Holly Axtell-enormous box of chocolates that Bruce Taylor will be feeding to his grandchildren.
Holly Axtell-enormous box of chocolates that Bruce Taylor will be feeding to his grandchildren.
2 Sisters from Mary of Nazareth House on Turk St in San Francisco
asking for volunteers to help serve the homeless in the Tenderloin.
Kim from San Bruno Rotary club
Curt Rocca noted this was the HIGHLY regarded 420-National
Marijuana Day that was actually started in San Rafael HS.
On a more serious note, this coming Saturday is Earth Work Day and
will be at Corte Madera Creek near College Ave and 1 block off Sir
Francis Drake where we should meet from 9am-12pm and we will be the only
Rotary club there. Keith Axtell reminded us all to wear Rotary shirts.
Holly reminded us to respond to Rotaract BBQ that immediately follow
from 12p-3p at Bocce courts on B street in San Rafael. Bring a dish. The
Venice team will be visiting various clubs.
Eiko wanted us to pause to remember Werner Swartz in his passing on
and her thanks to him for bringing her into our club.
Eiko reminded us of May 8th Food Bank Postal collections and passed
out our time and place sheets.
Bill McNicholas had John pass on that upcoming meeting will be with
speaker Dr Skobola on breast and prostrate cancer and should expect
good crowd.
Good Times
John Tanko spoke about the District Conference and how proud he was
that our club distinguished itself by receiving the World Community
Award for small clubs.
Patty Wolfe shared that she had been singing with the Threshold
Choir in Stanford last Sunday.
Holly and Keith shared that they had entertained Michael
McGovern-Rotary International representative who was in for District
conference. They had showed him around SF and did the tourist thing.
Assembly meeting
Included discussion about upcoming fundraiser-Lobster feed and Martha Heidinger reported that donations were still coming in and almost at $9000. Bruce Taylor will have wife Lyn promote at Terra Linda club. Discussion included many details to be discussed and planned for Top Hat. Reminder for each club memeber to invite 3 people and to bring in 2 bottles of wine.
Included discussion about upcoming fundraiser-Lobster feed and Martha Heidinger reported that donations were still coming in and almost at $9000. Bruce Taylor will have wife Lyn promote at Terra Linda club. Discussion included many details to be discussed and planned for Top Hat. Reminder for each club memeber to invite 3 people and to bring in 2 bottles of wine.