Meeting Minutes 4-27-2010
Mark Shirley filling in for John Tanko. PTR was Don Angel with thought about feeding the good wolves. Starbuck's raffle won by Frank Benadaret.
Mark Shirley filling in for John Tanko. PTR was Don Angel with thought about feeding the good wolves. Starbuck's raffle won by Frank Benadaret.
Small number of members present. 3 visitors and guests of speaker.
Ray Barron brought article from Rotarian mag on Larry Levy from
terra Linda club. Also shared Werner Scwarz' obit.
Eiko reminded us all of the upcoming May 8th Food bank
Ticket sales for Top Hat Lobster feed only 34. Al Shirley will find
out what the minimum number will have to be sold to have event.
Al also announced that there will be a working meeting at Martha's
house this Saturday to make out bid sheets for event.
Good Times
Elsia shared that after well attended Earth day clean up in Corte
Madera creek, Patty, Jean, Damyen and Elsia formed Hot Shots bocce ball
team and proceeded to win 8 bottles of wine which were donated to Top
Hat fundraiser.
Jean went to see Rotaractor musician Tim from Novato with his band
Sat nite.
Very enlightening speaker Chris on the effects of our diets on
Cancer. A take away was exercise at least 30 min daily, eat more veggies
and fruits, limit your alcohol to 1 glass of red wine per day, add
curry and an apple to your diet everyday. Some sage advice we have all
heard before and should be heeding.