Meeting Minutes 6-08-2010
Posted by Winston Wood
Editor - Winston Wood
As President Tanko had already alerted us to the fact that he'd be out yonder in a little grass shack in Hawaii this week, we had to jump down the list to Allen Shirley to find someone to lead us. But being one of the small cadre of Charter Members of this Chapter as well as one of our Part Presidents, we were sure that he was well up to the task.
That was until he sought out our PTR person for the night and was unable to find them. For what must be at least the fourth time in a row, all prospective PTR's hid behind the proverbial potted palms, and it was left to Miss Jayne to quickly scan her PDA and glow as if she knew she'd won. And with a voice too eager. And a smile too broad, she announced to the speaker she'd uncovered a fraud. No. But, yes, it was Immediate Past President, Elsia, who was caught with her PTR's down.
But she was rescued, she was rescued. Saved before we even missed a step. Allen did a nice job leading us in the pledge; Don Angel shared some words of wisdom on today's elections, and before we knew it we were back in the groove.
Guests this evening included Corey from the Marin Sunrise Club, Lee Paige from the Terra Linda Rotary, Kim from San Bruno again, Malcolm's friend, Barbara Gillette again and Helen Abe, from the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor, who would be our speaker this evening.
Fining took a bit of a twist tonight, as our leader Allen asked all in attendance to show that they were wearing their Rotary pins. The great majority of us were; a few of us shamefully admitted to not having them and who thus were fined, while others of us, such as Roy proudly announced that he was never without his, for every piece of clothing he owned, down to his Jockey shorts, had a Rotary pin permanently sewn in - so would NEVER be caught short. Our leading thespian - that means an actor, Frank - Malcolm then told us that Rotary pins were so popular these days that in his role in Cactus Flower as Senor Sanchez he wore his Rotary pin.
Sorry about all this dawdling; we'll get moving along now. Corey made a pitch for his fundraiser on June 12, which will have taken place by the time you read this.Allen Ng then gave us the $5 version of the story of the Nicholas Green Awards, and by the time he was through, Allen had managed to corral both Marsha and Gene to join him. Martha gave us a report on Camp Soulajule, which seems to be doing well this year, in part due to the generosity of the the Marin County Foundation which increased their contribution to the program by $13,000 over the prior year.
Gene Duffy congratulated the Club on signing up for the soon to be Tanko Roast. The date is June 29, Cocktails and douvres at 5:30; dinner at 6.
Moving on. Down to Good Times - Al Shirley joined his grandson last week at a very enjoyable performance of the Cirque de Soleil. Martha, Eiko and Gerry took a small road trip up to Napa to see La Boehme. Frank's grandkids won yet one more award - passing the bar maybe ?, and then Helen Abe, our speaker took to the floor for her presentation, entitled: Get Your Ask in Gear. A good talk, a lot for us to digest and remember. Thank you Helen.
Meeting eventually adjourned. Next Tuesday will be Janice Vella, whio will speak to us on the Canal Alliance Youth Leadership Program. See you all there -
Your Editor,
As President Tanko had already alerted us to the fact that he'd be out yonder in a little grass shack in Hawaii this week, we had to jump down the list to Allen Shirley to find someone to lead us. But being one of the small cadre of Charter Members of this Chapter as well as one of our Part Presidents, we were sure that he was well up to the task.
That was until he sought out our PTR person for the night and was unable to find them. For what must be at least the fourth time in a row, all prospective PTR's hid behind the proverbial potted palms, and it was left to Miss Jayne to quickly scan her PDA and glow as if she knew she'd won. And with a voice too eager. And a smile too broad, she announced to the speaker she'd uncovered a fraud. No. But, yes, it was Immediate Past President, Elsia, who was caught with her PTR's down.
But she was rescued, she was rescued. Saved before we even missed a step. Allen did a nice job leading us in the pledge; Don Angel shared some words of wisdom on today's elections, and before we knew it we were back in the groove.
Guests this evening included Corey from the Marin Sunrise Club, Lee Paige from the Terra Linda Rotary, Kim from San Bruno again, Malcolm's friend, Barbara Gillette again and Helen Abe, from the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor, who would be our speaker this evening.
Fining took a bit of a twist tonight, as our leader Allen asked all in attendance to show that they were wearing their Rotary pins. The great majority of us were; a few of us shamefully admitted to not having them and who thus were fined, while others of us, such as Roy proudly announced that he was never without his, for every piece of clothing he owned, down to his Jockey shorts, had a Rotary pin permanently sewn in - so would NEVER be caught short. Our leading thespian - that means an actor, Frank - Malcolm then told us that Rotary pins were so popular these days that in his role in Cactus Flower as Senor Sanchez he wore his Rotary pin.
Sorry about all this dawdling; we'll get moving along now. Corey made a pitch for his fundraiser on June 12, which will have taken place by the time you read this.Allen Ng then gave us the $5 version of the story of the Nicholas Green Awards, and by the time he was through, Allen had managed to corral both Marsha and Gene to join him. Martha gave us a report on Camp Soulajule, which seems to be doing well this year, in part due to the generosity of the the Marin County Foundation which increased their contribution to the program by $13,000 over the prior year.
Gene Duffy congratulated the Club on signing up for the soon to be Tanko Roast. The date is June 29, Cocktails and douvres at 5:30; dinner at 6.
Moving on. Down to Good Times - Al Shirley joined his grandson last week at a very enjoyable performance of the Cirque de Soleil. Martha, Eiko and Gerry took a small road trip up to Napa to see La Boehme. Frank's grandkids won yet one more award - passing the bar maybe ?, and then Helen Abe, our speaker took to the floor for her presentation, entitled: Get Your Ask in Gear. A good talk, a lot for us to digest and remember. Thank you Helen.
Meeting eventually adjourned. Next Tuesday will be Janice Vella, whio will speak to us on the Canal Alliance Youth Leadership Program. See you all there -
Your Editor,