Meeting Minutes 7-13-2010
Posted by Winston Wood
So our meeting was called to order by President Mark Shirley, and we were led in the Pledge to the Flag by Damyen. That was followed by Damyen's remarks that he'd very much enjoyed the architecture on a recent trip to New York. No, it ain't Marin County, that's for sure. Nor does it look much like Texas.
We had 3 visitors this evening - Alan Dunham, a Rotarian from the Novato Club, Barbara Gillette with Malcolm and Karen Burnworth with Larry.
I led off the Good Times portion of the agenda, noting that I'd contracted both dehydration and Gout during the past week but that both of them had been fixed in the same time frame - one with a 2 day hospital stay and one with a cortisone shot. If it's all the same with you doc, I think I'll have 2 shots next time and skip the hospital stay. The Axtells then reported on their 2 week holiday in Canada which they took as a by-product of the RI Convention in Montreal. A highlight was their visit with erstwhile Marin Evening Rotarian, Bruce Taylor at his new home in Cape Vincent, NY along the St. Lawrence River. As the home has 5 bedrooms, the Taylors have turned their new home into a B & B, which you can see at if you wish. There are several very attractive pictures of their place on their site (recall Bruce is a photographer) if you wish to see what the place looks like. But I'd advise you to skip the photo of Bruce scratching himself. In another Good Time, Holly mentioned that in addition to Marsha, that she and Keith also have a pen pal relationship with one of the children in Project Amigo in Colima, Mexico.
Elsia reported 3 Good Times, being 3 weekends of watching and cheering on her daughter in basketball. Gene Duffy, taking swift advantage of his new member status, was there without Jayne this evening (she was on the East Coast), and he reported that he'd made up at the #3 Rotary Club in Oakland . While he had the floor, he also invited participation and new ideas for his Club Service Committee.
Moving onto Announcements, Martha reported that there will be a special celebration out at Camp Soulajule on Wednesday, July 21 from 9:30-10:00 till just after lunch. The celebration is for the 10th anniversary of the Camp's Scholarship Program, which was initiated by our own Keith Axtell. RSVP's to Martha would be appreciated, so that staff can get a good count of likely attendees. Patty inquired if anyone had any interest in bocci, though I can't recall any more than that about the subject. Jean then stood up and, like Gene and his Club Service Committee, said that she'd appreciate some help with her Community Service Committee as well.
Curt reported that there would be another work party on Saturday, July 31st on the Bird Blind at Camp Soulajule. It will begin at 9. Curt also repeated that the Toga Party at his island on Clear Lake is still on for August 14-15. Malcolm then took to the floor, but rather than make more announcements, he was Comic for the evening, covering blondes, coins, piggy banks and what have you. Never a dull moment at the Marin Evening Rotary Club !
I think that dinner was served somewhere about here, and then we had the evening's raffle - a Gift Card from Trader Joes. Jayne's being out of town opened the field up to everyone, and the raffle was won by Elsia with a Full House. And next we had the very great honor of inducting two new members into our club, Cory and Traci Melanini, both previously Rotarians from other Clubs in California and Hawaii. Welcome to both of you.
At that point everyone was pretty talked out - except for Elsia, so she made a very professional presentation to us on Smart Meters and the Smart Grid. And when there was an article on the front page of the next day's IJ on the Smart Grid - I knew what they were talking about ! Anticipating the news - that's the Marin Evening Way.
See you all next week.
We had 3 visitors this evening - Alan Dunham, a Rotarian from the Novato Club, Barbara Gillette with Malcolm and Karen Burnworth with Larry.
I led off the Good Times portion of the agenda, noting that I'd contracted both dehydration and Gout during the past week but that both of them had been fixed in the same time frame - one with a 2 day hospital stay and one with a cortisone shot. If it's all the same with you doc, I think I'll have 2 shots next time and skip the hospital stay. The Axtells then reported on their 2 week holiday in Canada which they took as a by-product of the RI Convention in Montreal. A highlight was their visit with erstwhile Marin Evening Rotarian, Bruce Taylor at his new home in Cape Vincent, NY along the St. Lawrence River. As the home has 5 bedrooms, the Taylors have turned their new home into a B & B, which you can see at if you wish. There are several very attractive pictures of their place on their site (recall Bruce is a photographer) if you wish to see what the place looks like. But I'd advise you to skip the photo of Bruce scratching himself. In another Good Time, Holly mentioned that in addition to Marsha, that she and Keith also have a pen pal relationship with one of the children in Project Amigo in Colima, Mexico.
Elsia reported 3 Good Times, being 3 weekends of watching and cheering on her daughter in basketball. Gene Duffy, taking swift advantage of his new member status, was there without Jayne this evening (she was on the East Coast), and he reported that he'd made up at the #3 Rotary Club in Oakland . While he had the floor, he also invited participation and new ideas for his Club Service Committee.
Moving onto Announcements, Martha reported that there will be a special celebration out at Camp Soulajule on Wednesday, July 21 from 9:30-10:00 till just after lunch. The celebration is for the 10th anniversary of the Camp's Scholarship Program, which was initiated by our own Keith Axtell. RSVP's to Martha would be appreciated, so that staff can get a good count of likely attendees. Patty inquired if anyone had any interest in bocci, though I can't recall any more than that about the subject. Jean then stood up and, like Gene and his Club Service Committee, said that she'd appreciate some help with her Community Service Committee as well.
Curt reported that there would be another work party on Saturday, July 31st on the Bird Blind at Camp Soulajule. It will begin at 9. Curt also repeated that the Toga Party at his island on Clear Lake is still on for August 14-15. Malcolm then took to the floor, but rather than make more announcements, he was Comic for the evening, covering blondes, coins, piggy banks and what have you. Never a dull moment at the Marin Evening Rotary Club !
I think that dinner was served somewhere about here, and then we had the evening's raffle - a Gift Card from Trader Joes. Jayne's being out of town opened the field up to everyone, and the raffle was won by Elsia with a Full House. And next we had the very great honor of inducting two new members into our club, Cory and Traci Melanini, both previously Rotarians from other Clubs in California and Hawaii. Welcome to both of you.
At that point everyone was pretty talked out - except for Elsia, so she made a very professional presentation to us on Smart Meters and the Smart Grid. And when there was an article on the front page of the next day's IJ on the Smart Grid - I knew what they were talking about ! Anticipating the news - that's the Marin Evening Way.
See you all next week.