Meeting Minutes 7-27-2010
Posted by Jean Long
Meeting started with Allen Ng leading us in our pledge and sharing
that we were 27 days without a budget and convinced us all that there
were too many layers of government mucking things up.
Visiting Rotarian was Maricella from Ross Valley Rotary club.
Eikp brought our only visitor-Leah Schwartz.
Good Times- Mark's BD is next Thurs so we all sang heartily.
Malcom shared that his paella party with 40 people munching away.
Gene Duffy shared that he and Jane have completed their 2nd prime rib dinner with the Rotary folks coming this Sat.
Holly Axtell and Eiko(who plans on taking up archery-watch out
Jerry) shared about the fun and praise for all involved with Camp
Soulajule. Martha told about the 28 scholarships our group supported
for this year and all of our thanks and praise to Keith Axtell for
starting this endeavor 10 yrs ago. Roy Barron shared how proud he is of
MER and Keith shared that they had found 4 surviving redwoods of the
originals that Allen Ng and his daughter had planted.
Allen Ng shared that he would proudly be travelling to College
Station Texas to support his daughter's team playing in the Nationals.
This Sat-9- whenever for work at Walker Creek Ranch. Curt will bring all tools needed.
Curt announced his Aug 14-15 ClearLake party with food coordination to follow on email.
Martha gave new members form to complete for receiving Rotary magazine.
Keith and Holly attended a new Rotary Club in San Francisco that is Turkish that meets Monday nites.
Tonite's program included interesting and fun bios from our 3
newest members (Gene Dufffy, Traci and Cory Malanini)who it turns out
all have lived in Omaha, Nebraska.
Adjourned on time.
Jean Long